Friday, October 30, 2015

Catch Fire (5 Seconds of Summer) x Caitlyn Lee

Happy Friday friends!  It's new music Friday and I have a new cover!  Please give it a listen!

If you like it, you can download it here!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

40 Questions About Beauty

Heyyyy hooooo.  I haven't posted anything beauty related in a while, so I thought I'd do the lil 40 questions about beauty tag.  It's 40 questions about products I love and use, etc.  Enjoy!

1. How many times do you wash your face daily?
- I wash my face once a day.  Usually at the end of the day when I take a shower.

2. What skin type do you have? (Dry, Oily, Combination)
- I have combination skin.  It's really annoying -_-

3. What id your current face wash?
- I'm currently using Alba Hawaiian Pore Purifying Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser, aka the longest title of life.

4. Do you exfoliate?
- On occasion.  I only really do it when I have exfoliator lol.

5. What brand do you use?
- I like the St. Ive's apricot one.  I don't know the entire name sorry.

6. Do you have freckles?
- Nope!

7. Do you use eye cream?
- No, but should I?

8. Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
- No.  Thankfully, I never had really terrible skin, just zits here and there.

9. Did you ever have to use Pro-active?
- Nope!

1. What foundation do you use?
- Currently I'm using the L'Oreal Paris Pro-Matte, but I also use Urban Decay's Naked Skin.

2. How about concealer?
- I loooove my Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting concealer!

3. Do you know your undertone color?
- My skin has a yellow undertone, cause I'm Asian lol.

4. What do you think of fake eyelashes.
- I LOVE THEM! I have a large collection of false lashes <3.

5. Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every three months?
- Yup and I try my best to do so.

6. What brand mascara do you use?
- L'Oreal Paris

7. Sephora or MAC?
- Sephora because they have more options.  I actually have ZERO MAC makeup which is really odd because I have more makeup then I have clothes.

8. Do you have a MAC Pro-card?
- Nope.

9. What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
- I use loads of brushes.  I literally use so many.

10. Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
- If I'm doing a look with eyeshadow, then yes.  I use Urban Decay's Primer Potion.

11. For the face?
- If I have it, but I usually don't.

12. What is your favorite eyeshadow?
- I loooove my Lorac Unzipped palette and my Naked Smoky palette.

13. Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
- Liquid, and I'm proud to say that I'm like 90% sure I've mastered it.

14. How often do you pole your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
- Never, but I probably jinxed myself now yay.

15. What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
- They are gorgeous, but I would spill them everywhere.

16. Do you use mineral makeup?
- Nope.  I've actually never tried it before.

17. What is your favorite lipstick?
- It's a tie between Rimmel Kate 104 and Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Rapture.

18. How about lipgloss?
- Not a lipgloss fan :/

19. What is your favorite blush to use?
- I'm OBSESSED with blush and I couldn't just choose one... Benefit's Coralista and Rockateur, and Urban Decay Afterglow in Rapture (it matches my favorite lipstick!).

20. Do you buy your makeup on eBay?
- No.  I honestly wouldn't trust it...

21. Do you like drugstore makeup?
- I do! You can get some really good stuff from the drugstore!

22. Do you go to CCO's?
- (okay tbh I had to look this up because I had no idea what a CCO was...) Yes I do! The markdowns at the ones near me are not really that incredible, but some of them are pretty good!

23. Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
- I want to! Even though I feel like I know quite a bit about makeup, I think that I can still learn some really valuable things!

24. Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
- I'm clumsy in general, but when it comes to makeup, I'm pretty stable.

25. Name a makeup crime that you hate?
- It really bothers me when people don't take off their makeup before they wash their face, or even worse, before they go to bed.  It's so damaging for your skin!!!!

26. Do you like colorful shades or makeup or neutral ones?
- I'm definitely more of a neutral girl.  I love my nude lipsticks.

27. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
- Selena Gomez!  She always looks amazing!

28. If you could leave the house using just one makeup item, what would you use?
- Mascara! It makes me look more awake!

29. Could you ever leave the house without makeup on?
- Yes and I do it all the time!  I did it today!

30. In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?
- HANDS DOWN, URBAN DECAY.  I've never tried an Urban Decay product that I didn't like.

31. What do you think of makeup?
- I love it! I think it's a really great way of expressing yourself and there are so many options when it comes to how to use it.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Social Media

What it is??? What's up??? Sorry it's been a while.  I've been so busy with school that I've totally neglected my blog... But today I wanted to talk about social media!  I'm pretty heavily involved in social media and having just written an English paper about social media, I thought it would be good for me to talk about it, but specifically, my experiences on social media.

I have a fairly small following on Twitter (mostly because I don't tweet relevant things lol) and through my years on the platform, I've come across other amazing, and not so amazing users.  I've seen communities grow and people come together through common interests.  I've seen people come together to tear another individual or group down becauseTwitter is a place where you can say whatever you feel within a 140 character limit.

I've watched from the sidelines as users find faults in others and judge without knowing a single thing about that person.  More specifically, I see this happening in fandoms.  Don't get my wrong, I am part of two HUGE fandoms, and if you've read older posts, you'd know which ones, and I love both my fandoms with all my heart, but there are always those few who are just heartless.  Like today, a few of us on Twitter were giving away presale codes for concert tickets for an upcoming tour.  I was giving one away, but my only requirement was that the person I give it to has to not seen the band before.  Still, however, I received tweets and direct messages from girls who have seen the band and even MET the band.  It made it more difficult for me to filter through the people who entered my little giveaway, but I still stuck with it.  I eventually chose one grateful winner who had not seen the band.

After all was said and done, I looked through Twitter to find that other users who were giving codes away were getting hate because they did not choose certain people to win.  Everyone had their own methods to choosing winners - some used a randomizer, others chose the first person who tweeted them, or like I did, filtered through each and every entry, making sure each person met my requirements.  Fortunately, I did not receive any hate for not choosing certain people, because I kept my giveaway pretty private, but other bigger accounts got hate.  It kills me to see those things happening because we don't HAVE to give these codes away.  We may not have needed them, so we chose to be NICE and give them away.  Everyone had an equal opportunity to receive the code themselves, but some of us were nice enough to give our codes away to the people who didn't sign up to get them.  We did a NICE THING.

Anyways... this was just a dumb little rant.  I just want people to learn how to appreciate the small gestures.  It sucks when you do something nice for someone and you get yelled at when you don't do something nice for everyone.  I love everyone, but I just want people to learn how to appreciate.

As always, thanks for reading!

Love, Cat <3

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cat Reviews: Sounds Good Feels Good by 5 Seconds of Summer

HI OR HEY.  So my boyfriend's band 5 Seconds of Summer just released their second album, Sounds Good Feels Good, and I thought it would only be appropriate to review it.  Fair warning: this review is going to be extremely bias because A) the leader singer of 5SOS is my boyfriend, and B) 5SOS is my favorite band (besides the almighty One Direction of course), but it is also my honest opinion.  I love every single song, some more than others, but I really want to give you guys my honest feeling about the album.


Also, I did initial reactions to each song on Twitter, so if you check out my account, @thecaitlynlee. I wish I had a way to like put all those tweets together so you can find them more easily, but I don't so you gotta struggle, soz.

So I didn't listen to the songs in order because I hit shuffle, but my review of each song WILL be in order because I probably should put them in order...

An Overview:
I have the deluxe version of the album which has 17 songs, including She's Kinda Hot, Fly Away, Jet Black Heart, Money, and Hey Everybody!.  The only difference between the regular version and deluxe versions are that the deluxe version includes Safety Pin, The Girl Who Cried Wolf, and Broken Home.

The Artwork:

I love the album artwork for Sounds Good Feels Good.  It's very 5SOS and I'm actually kind of happy that it isn't just them posing together.  It's really unique and I especially love how there are different versions (Target only) with each boy cause you know I'm about to buy all the Luke ones.

The Songs:
1. Money
- Money is numero uno on the tracklist, but tbh, Money is at the bottom of the list for me.  It's a really good song to jam to and also a good one to run to, but it's just a party song.  I feel like it doesn't go as deep as the other songs and would probably have fit better somewhere in the middle of the album to break up those deep feels you get while listening to the darker songs.  It's still a great song and I definitely can't help but dance when it comes on.

2. She's Kinda Hot
- Ahhhh this song.  This is the one where 5SOSFam are like "5SOS IS MORE THAN JUST SHE'S KINDA HOT!!!".  But I love the vibe of this song.  When the boys first announced the name of it, I expected it to have a She Looks So Perfect vibe, but I was pleasantly surprised.  It's incredible live and I can't wait to hear it again!

3. Hey Everybody!
- I LOVE THIS SONG.  At first, I didn't really connect with this song, but it grew on me.  I dance (badly) to this one.  It's going to be really good live in concert.  I honestly don't know what else to say... I just really love this song.

4. Permanent Vacation
- Honestly, I couldn't help but to be a little disappointed when I heard the studio version of this song because I first heard it live.  It's really good but it's also 1000000x better live.  When I first listened to the studio version, I legit did the clappy thing and sing the nah nah's like the boys made us do at the concert.

5. Jet Black Heart
- They released this song when I was really really mad at Luke and after I listened to it, I wasn't mad at him anymore.  I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't be mad.  This song is so deep.  Michael slays it so hard.

6. Catch Fire
- I love this song so much too.  Luke sounds so good in this one.  It has a really good vibe and it kind of reminds me of Disconnected.  I don't know why, but it does.  The rhythm sections definitely owns this song so hard, but Luke slays it.

7. Safety Pin
- I first heard Safety Pin when I listened to the She's Kinda Hot EP and I immediately fell in love with it.  It has that classic 5SOS sound that I feel in love with.  Ashton's verse is SO GOOD.  I'm really happy that Ash is getting more and more solos because he deserves them.  He's really talented.

8. Waste the Night
- Waste the Night makes me want to dance.  Like when I first heard it, my body took over and I just started dancing.  The only thing about this song is that I don't feel like it's 5SOS.  It's different, good different, but I don't know.  I guess I haven't really connected with it yet, but it is really good.

9. Vapor
- Okay, we need to talk about this one.  For some reason, I really felt this song the first time I heard it. It's another not-5SOS but is 5SOS song, but I really really love it.  I'm also a sucker for Luke's falsetto, so maybe that's why I love it so much.

10. Castaway
- My initial reaction was that this song is so fire, and it is.  Luke kills me and I'm so sorry for always mentioning my love for him, but he's my boyfriend so... Is it just me, or does Castaway have a slight FOB vibe?  Like I can imagine Patrick Stump singing this (not as well as 5SOS tho...).  This song is going to be so good live.  It's a headbanger.

11. The Girl Who Cried Wolf
- Like Safety Pin, I first heard this song on the SKH EP and immediately fell in love.  It's a deeper one and I honestly appreciate so much that 5SOS went deeper than just boy loves girl, girl hates boy, girl loves boy, boy gets hurt.  This song gives me Wrapped Around Your Finger vibes.  I really hope they play this one at the live shows because I feel like it would really connect with the audience.

12. Broken Home
- Okay but this one gave me all the feels.  Even if you don't personally connect with the message behind this song, it still really hits you right in the heart.  I broke down in tears the first time I listened to it.  This will definitely be the song I turn to when I'm sad lol.

13. Fly Away
- Another song with the classic 5SOS sound.  It isn't one of my favorites, but it's still really good.  Similar to Money, I feel like it's another party song.  It's going to be incredible live, but I just don't feel that connection that I did with most of the other songs on the album.  I think they placed it really well though.  It's between too deep AF songs so it helps to break up those feels before you cry again.

14. Invisible
- I said Broken Home brought the feels, but no song on this album gives the feels like Invisible.  It's a deep a** song and Calum really owns it.  The orchestra is incredibly beautiful and I don't usually like orchestra music but this one is just uhhhhhhh so good.  This is one of those songs that makes you want to lay in your bed and contemplate your life.  Who am I? Who am I? Invisible?

*I was just about to skip to the next song and move on with my review but I literally could not bring myself to not finish Invisible*

15. Airplanes
- Michael. Slay. Airplanes. was my initial reaction and that still holds true for me.  I just want to say a quick thank you to the boys for putting this song here because I really need something that will bring up my spirits after I bawled my eyes out listening to Invisible.  This song makes me feel like I can do anything.

16. San Francisco
- San Fran-frickin-cisco.  AKA where I am from.  I'm going to get this out of the way... THIS SONG IS ABOUT ME.  So thank you Cal and Mikey for thinking of me and writing this amazing song.  The beginning of this song makes me so happy.  It has such a cute vibe, and I feel really bad describing it as "cute" because they ain't cute, but IT'S JUST CUTE.  This song just makes me really happy, and not just because it's about me and the place I'm from lol.

17. Outer Space / Carry On
- I was not expecting this.  My initial reaction was that Cal slayed this song so hard and I still believe that, but once I got past that, I realized how strong the message of this song is.  I kind of wish this song were two separate songs because as much as I love it as a whole, I feel like it would be stronger if they were separated, especially Carry On.  The interlude between the two is incredible.  It gave me chills the first time I heard it, but when Carry On started, I started full on shaking.  It's so incredible and I really hope that the boys play this one at the live shows because I think the fans can really connect with it.

Picking Favorites:
Picking favorites on this album is actually really difficult for me, but my number one is definitely Invisible.  Vapor is probably number two, San Francisco is number three, then The Girl Who Cried Wolf at number four, and Broken Home at number five.  So as you can tell, I really like songs that tear you apart inside lol. Here is the list of all the songs in order from my favorite to least favorite:

1. Invisible
2. Vapor
3. San Francisco
4. The Girl Who Cried Wolf
5. Broken Home
6. Catch Fire
7. Safety Pin
8. Outer Space / Carry On
9. Jet Black Heart
10. Hey Everybody!
11. She's Kinda Hot
12. Castaway
13. Airplanes
14. Permanent Vacation
15. Waste the Night
16. Fly Away
17. Money

Final Thoughts:
Sounds Good Feels Good is definitely worth the copious amount of money I am spending on it.  It gets an 11/10 because it really deserves it.  I love how 5SOS has created The New Broken Scene for us and I love the messages they are sending out with their new music.  I can't wait for more and for the live shows.  Give the album a listen if you haven't already, and your ears will thank you.

Lastly, I want to add how proud I am of these four boys.  They've worked so hard on this album and you can really tell.  I've grown immensely from the time I first fell in love with their music and I can't believe what a successful band they've become.  They deserve every award, every honor.  From a show of 1000 at the Fillmore in San Francisco, to Madison Square Garden, none is a prouder moment.  I'm so proud to be a member of the 5SOSFam and I can't wait for more.

As always, thank you for reading, and make sure you buy Sounds Good Feels Good on iTunes, stream it on Spotify and all the other music streaming platforms.

Follow the 5SOS boys!
Band: +5 Seconds of Summer . @5SOS
Luke: @Luke5SOS
Calum: @Calum5SOS
Ash: @Ashton5SOS 
Michael: @Michael5SOS


Love, Cat <3

Friday, October 16, 2015

College Update!

Hello friends!  It's been nearly a month since my final post in my Moving into College Series, and I wanted to do a quick and brief update as to how things are going.

I've spent nearly two months in college and it seriously feels like it's been longer than that.  I've taken two midterms and given one speech.  It's been wild.  I've adjusted a lot better since my last college related post, and I'm really happy.  I've gotten into a routine, which is really nice because if you know me, you'd know I need routine in my life.

Overall, college has been going pretty well thus far.  Like I said, this update is brief because it hasn't been long since my last one.  (This is also really short because I didn't have any idea what to write...)

Thanks, as always, for reading! If you have any questions about my college experience, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message on Google+ or on YouTube!

Love, Cat <3

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Obsessions: Holy Grails - Beauty Edition!

Hey ho friends! So I haven't done a monthly obsessions since July and I know I've been slacking and I also didn't post on Monday so this post is extra long to make up for my terrible-ness.

Today I have a new obsessions for you, but this time I'm sharing my Holy Grail products!  For those of you who don't know what a "holy grail" is, it's when a product is so amazing, it's your numero uno and nothing can replace it unless it's even better.  Okay, now that we're all educated, LET'S DO THIS.

I've gathered a lot of beauty products in my few years of doing makeup, and I've found lots I've loved, and lots I've hated, but these here are the ones that exceeded my expectations!

The first of my beauty holy grails is truly amazing.  All my life I've struggled with finding an mascara that 1) held a curl, 2) was waterproof to the point that I could drown and it would not budge, and 3) it lengthened my stick straight, ugly lashes.  Finding something this amazing was really difficult, but after going through what felt like 1000000 different mascaras, I found two that did my wonders for my lashes.

Urban Decay Cannonball mascara is the first.  It's on the pricey-er side, but it's so worth it.  I've swam with this mascara on and it didn't go anywhere.  It held my curl and it even has little fibers that add length and volume to your lashes.  I absolutely love it and recommend it to anyone with stick straight Asian lashes.  This mascara is queen.
Available on for $20

The next is the more affordable of the two.  It is L'Oreal Paris Voluminous Butterfly waterproof mascara.  Although it is the waterproof formula, it isn't as waterproof as Cannonball, but it's up there. I really like the unique shaped brush because it focuses the mascara on the outer corner to give the "flared out" effect.  It holds a really nice curl and adds a length and volume to my lashes.
Available at for $8.49

It's all about lashes for me when it comes to makeup, and like I've mentioned before, I have stick straight, downfacing, Asian lashes.  They hate me and I hate them and finding ways to keep them curled is torture, but I finally found a lash curler that my lashes actually like and respond nicely too. It is my KOJI No. 73 lash curler.  It's specifically made for flatter, wider Asian eyelids so it sits more comfortably on my eye and gets closer to my lashline.  It's often compared to the Shiseido or Shu Uemura lash curlers and it's definitely more affordable then them.  Unfortunately, I used my lash curler until it literally broke, and haven't had the time to go buy myself a new one.  If your lashes fight you like mine do, definitely try out this lash curler.
Available at for $7.49

My weird hooded mono eyelids make it really difficult to use eyeliner because unless the formula is basically permanent, there's no chance in my eyeliner staying on.  Like my struggles with mascara, it was a long journey of finding an eyeliner that fits my strange requirements but like my successes with mascara, I found two eyeliners that I now call two of my best friends.

The first is my absolute favorite liquid liner ever.  It is L'Oreal Paris The Super Slim eyeliner.  It has a *flexible* felt tip and it's the best opaque black.  I love that the applicator is flexible because my HG liner used to be the Eyeko liquid liner, but I didn't like the fact that the tip was so stiff so it's really nice that the L'Oreal liner is super flexible.  It has amazing staying powering and once it's set, it's set; you can rub your eye and it ain't going no where.
Available at for $8.99

The second liner I don't love as much as the L'Oreal, but it's almost just as good.  The Benefit Push Up Liner is AMAZING.  I love that it's gel liner in pen form because I LOVE gel liner, but I hate having to clean my eyeliner brush every day.  The only problem I have with this liner is that I feel like it dried out really quickly and it's really difficult to twist up when it gets too dried.  I only got a good ten uses out of it before it dried out completely.  That disappointed me a lot because it is quite pricey.  However, I love it because it does not budge and it creates gorgeous wings, two things I look for in a good eyeliner.
Available at for $24

I used to swear by my NYX Auto Eyebrow Pencil, but since being coaxed into trying the Anastasia DipBrow Pomade by a friend, I am changed.  I love how versatile DipBrow is.  I can go lighter or darker depending on my look for the day.  I use DipBrow in Dark Brown and it matches my hair really well.  It is kind of an investment to buy DipBrow, but it lasts FOREVER.  I've had mine for almost a year and I barely even used less than a fourth of it.  One warning though: the pomade is SUPER pigmented so be careful when you're using it.  It takes time to get used to and even though I've been using it for almost a year, I sometimes can go overboard when I'm not careful.
Available at for $18

I'm really particular when it comes to my foundation because I hate cake face.  I've come across a few foundations that I thought I loved, but there's one that I truly love - Urban Decay's Naked Skin foundation.  It's formula is really nice to work with because it's build-able and blendable.  You can go light for the days you want to just even out your skin, or you can go FLAWLESS.  It's super versatile and the range of colors is HUGE.  It is a high end brand product, but if you can, I say to definitely give it a try.  I've gone through at least three bottles of it.
Available at for $40

I was never really into contouring, but after I got the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer, contouring is what I look forward to when I do my makeup.  It came in a little travel set with a Better Than Sex mascara and I originally bought the set for the mascara but ended up falling in love with the bronzer instead.  I always smell it before I dig my brush in and apply it because IT SMELLS SO GOOD.  It's the most pigmented bronzer I own so like I mentioned with DipBrow, use with caution and a light hand.
Available at for $30

Similarly, I wasn't into blush until Jen FrmHeadToToe introduced me to Benefit's Coralista. I've severely hit pan on mine and I'm having so much trouble letting it go.  For a while, it was the only blush I ever wore despite owning so many.  It gives you such a beautiful coral glow and it looks good on any skintone.  You don't have to worry about being too heavy-handed with this one because you can't overdo it.   It also smells really nice which I found strange at first, but it's actually kind of nice lol.
Available at for $28

Hi my name is Cat and I am addicted to lipstick and lip colors.  I have too many to count, but these two get more love than any others.  I used to wear lipsticks without lipliner underneath because I didn't know any better, but since getting NYX Slim Lip Pencil in Natural, I don't leave the house without it.  It's a nude lipliner so you can virtually wear it under any color, but I usually wear it to make my lipcolors a little vampy-er.  It can be a little drying, so I usually take a little tiny bit of lipbalm and apply it before I apply my lip color.
Available at for $3.50

NYX Cosmetics and I have a good relationship when it comes to lip products.  Their Soft Matte Lip Creams are my absolute favorite, but specifically Cannes.  It is a gorgeous nude pink and it goes with EVERYTHING.  It has great staying power and it looks good on basically everyone.  I've collected almost the entire Soft Matte Lip Cream collection because they are life changing.
Available at for $6

The last Holy Grail beauty product I'm going to rave about is not makeup because I do like other things that aren't makeup lol.  It is my FAAAAAAVORITE fragrance mist.  Victoria's Secret's Love Spell Bloom has changed my life forever.  I wore it every single day of my senior year of high school.  Unfortunately, it is limited edition and I'm crying because I have to pay like $50 on Amazon or eBay if I want to buy it off-market.  I love it so much and I get compliments every time I wear it because everyone else loves it too.
Available at for $41 (plus $4.99 shipping)

So yeahhhh.... There's my Holy Grail beauty products!  I might share more of my Holy Grail products later in Obsessions posts if you guys like this!  I'll probably add more to this lists too because I'm always trying new beauty products because I have a problem and my bank account it letting me know it.  But debt aside, I truly and honestly recommend all of these products and would love it if you tried them as well and let me know what you think!

As always, thank so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed!

Love, Cat <3

Friday, October 9, 2015

Sick Days and Paying it Forward

Monday when I woke up in the morning I felt terribly sick.  It felt like I had a popcorn kernel stuck in my throat and I was sweaty, great times right?  WRONG.  I hate being sick and now I especially hate being sick because I don't have my parents here to take care of me.  I'm a big baby when it comes to being sick...

Anyways... Wednesday I woke up feeling even worse.  This time I had a headache, I was sweaty, and my throat felt worse.  I wasn't even in the mood and didn't have the energy to do my makeup or my hair.  I went to class in an ugly, ratty pair of jeans and a hoodie.  I did not want to life.  The best part of all though is that I'm on my period!!! Yay!!!!!!!  And I also did not have enough feminine products to last me the days so off to Target I went.

A friend and I stopped for lunch at Panera after our Target run and then decided to grab some Starbucks.  I thought I needed a caffeine kick to make myself feel better, but it turned out I needed something else.  Whilst waiting in line to order, we were just talking and not paying attention to the people around us.  The lady working the counter got my attention when she asked what I wanted to order.  I told her my order then pulled out my phone to pay, but when I held it up for her to scan, she pushed it away and said the man before me took care of it already.  Confused, I asked her to repeat herself, and again, she told me that the man in front of me paid for it.  I was completely caught off guard and wasn't able to say anything but thank you.  He said "it's all for him" then handed me a business sized card when a picture of Jesus and a small Bible passage in Spanish on the back.  I thanked him so many times because I just could not believe it.

Here are some crappy iPhone shots of the card.  It looks like it's been passed around before the man gave it to me.

And here are the translations:
Front: "Jesus, I trust you"
Back: "Jesus promises extraordinary thanks by this image and these prayers:
Oh Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You. (He prays three times)

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
in the rosary, one prays:
Our Father, Hail Mary, A Creed

In the Our Father bead:
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and the world.

In the accounts of Hail Mary:
By His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the whole world.

Finally, three times, you pray:
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and the whole world."

Being ill the past few days really brought my mood down, but this small gesture really made my mood shoot through the roof.  It made me so happy to know that there are people in the world who are still kind, thoughtful, and generous, and I am so grateful that I was able to experience this.  It was a humbling experience and it taught me that I can take the time to do these things for people as well.

Through preschool to high school, around Easter time, I was always taught to do things for others or to "pay it forward" but I never participated because guess who thought she was too cool to do those things??? Ya girl right here.  This experience has brought me back down to earth and now I intend to do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return.  I intend to pay it forward.

Thank you so much to the man who did this amazing thing for me and for teaching me such a valuable lesson.  It's really something that I needed and it changed who I am.  I challenge anyone who is reading this to do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return because it's just the right thing to do.  Do things out of love.

Thanks always for reading!

Love, Cat <3

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Questions No One Will Ever Ask

Hello! It's you're fave Cat again and today I'm going to answer questions that no one would ever ask, let alone think of asking.  It's random but I think it could be fun.  Or it could not be fun, like the Fun Questions tag that I did, and I'll realize halfway through but continue on because why the heck not???


1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
- I preferred the closet doors to be closed because I'm still scared of the monsters in the closet.

2. Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
- Uhm... DUH.  I take the mouthwash, body wash, and other free things too because free so why not?

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
- I have to sleep with them untucked because I like to be FREEEEEEE.

4. Have you stolen a street sign before?
- Wtf no.  I ain't tryna go to jail.  I got a life to live.

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
- Keep them away from me.  I LOVE THEM

6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
- I'm the coupon queen my friends.  Many coupons go unused only because I don't have a use for them.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
- I would stay inside.

8. Do you have freckles?
- Nope lol

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
- No.  I tend to open my mouth really wide and show the world my tonsils like this...

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
- LOUD CHEWERS.  I hate it so much when people chew and breath really loudly.  I get that some people breath loudly and they can't control it but I cannot stand people who chew really loudly.  It's disgusting.  No one wants to hear that.  Chew with your mouth closed.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
- No cause ain't nobody got time for that.

12. Have you peed in the woods?
- Yes and I'm not ashamed to say I have.  When you gotta go, you gotta go.

13. Have you ever pooped in the woods?
- I haven't, I don't like the outdoors.

14. Do you even dance even if there's no music playing?
- All the time.  I go through life to the beat of my own drum and yeah okay I know that's not the right phrase so sorry but I don't care.

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
- Not pencils because gross, but I do chew on pens.  Not hardcore like some people do, but pens sometimes can find their way to my mouth.

(And like in my Fun Questions tag, I not realize that this is not fun or exciting, but as I mentioned before, I'm gunna keep going because I want to and why not.)

16. What size is your bed?
- Twin because I will forever be a child.

17. What is your song of the week?
- The song of the week is "Infinity" by One Direction.  It has been the song of the week since it came out two weeks ago.

18. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
- Guys can wear whatever they want.  I don't care if they wear pink. I love pink.

19. Do you still watch cartoons?
- On occasion.

20. What is your least favorite movie?
- I don't really have one because if I watch a movie that I don't like, I tend to forget about it.

21. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
- If I wanted to hide something, why would I tell the Internet where I would put it???

22. What do you drink with dinner?
- Soda and/or water.

23. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
- Ketchup, ranch, BBQ, sweet and sour... Literally everything.

24. What is your favorite food?
- I love everything, but I have a soft spot (literally) for any desserts.

25. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love?
- Princess Diaries (1 and 2), Taken, High School Musical (1, 2, and 3), The Little Mermaid, Tangled, Lilo and Stitch... I could go on and on.

26. Were you ever a girl scout?
- Nope, and I never had the desire to be.

27. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
- I don't even remember to be honest...

28. Can you change the oil on a car?
- Nope.  That's what I have my dad for.

29. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
- I don't drive so no.

30. Ever ran out of gas?
- Like I said in the previous question, I don't drive, but I was with my brother and he was driving and we ran out of gas.  We were only like 5 minutes away from our house too, but luckily, one of my brother's friend's dad saw us stranded and got us a little gas to get us home.  He's awesome.

31. What's your favorite kind of sandwich?
- Turkey, pesto, tomato, lettuce, provolone/mozzarella, on sour dough, toasted.

32. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
- Oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, or ICE CREAM.

33. What is your usual bedtime?
- Any time before midnight lol

34. Are you lazy?
- If I'm writing this blogpost instead of doing homework, does that count as lazy?

35. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
- I was a variety of things, but I was most often a Disney princess.

36. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
- I'm a GOLDEN ox <3

37. How many languages can you speak?
- English, a little Mandarin, a little bit of Korean, and high school level Spanish, so 4 ish??

38. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
- My mom does and I read hers, but I don't myself.

39. Which is better: legos or lincoln logs?
- I grew up playing with Legos, so LEGOS!!!

40. Are you stubborn?
- To an extent yes, so I guess that just means yes.

41. Who is better: Leno or Letterman?
- I don't have a preference sorry.

42. Ever watch soap operas?
- Yup and I ain't ashamed.

43. Are you afraid of heights?
- Yup and I don't know how I live on the top floor of my building...

44. Do you sing in the car?
- I sing everywhere

45. Do you sing in the shower?
- I already told you I SING EVERYWHERE.

46. Do you dance in the car?
- Yup and I don't care if people see.

47. Ever used a gun?
- Yes and I'm a pretty skilled shooter so don't mess with me :-)

48. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
- My senior portraits this time last year.

49. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
- Yes and that's what makes them so amazing.

50. Is Christmas stressful?
- I don't think I'm old enough to get stressed over Christmas shopping and decorating yet, so I'm going to ravel in it because I love Christmas.

51. Ever eat a pierogi?
- Okay so I'll be honest and tell you that I had to look up what a pierogi is, and for those of you who don't know, it's a Polish dumpling, kind of like a Chinese potsticker or Japanese gyoza.  I've had potstickers and gyoza but I can't definitely say that I've had a pierogi before.

52. Favorite type of fruit pie?
- Very not American of me, but I don't really like apple pie... I like banana cream pie or blueberry or strawberry pie.

53. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
- I've always wanted to be a singer and that is still my dream, but I briefly wanted to be a teacher and a speech therapist.

54. Do you believe in ghosts?
- I want to say no, but I do.

55. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
- All the time.

56. Do you take a vitamin daily?
- No and I probably should cause I think I'm getting sick :/

57. Do you wear slippers?
- I'm Asian so OF COURSE.

58. Do you wear a bath robe?
- Not a home, but I do at school cause you can't be walkin around naked in the communal bathroom and hallway.

59. What do you wear a bed?
- Shorts and a t-shirt. I can't wear long pants to bed because I'll get tangled in them, or I somehow take them off in the middle of the night. Ya girl needs to be free!

60. What was your first concert?
- The Jonas Brothers <3

61. Walmart, Target, or Kmart?
- TARGET! Why would you go anywhere else?

62. Nike or Adidas?
- Nike.  I love my Adidas soccer sweats like I love cats, but my Nike running shoes, socks, and shorts are the best.

63. Cheetos or Fritos?
- Not really a fan of either, but I really like the honey bbq Fritos and the chili cheese Fritos.

64. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
- I don't have a preference for this one either but both have to be pre-shelled when I eat them.

65. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
- Nope, but I will look them up later...

(There's a lot of questions but I'm gunna keep on keeping on because I made it this far already...)

66. Ever taken dance lessons?
- I did ballet and tap when I was a child, but I haven't taken any dance lessons since.

67. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
- Professional baseball player, band member, or company executive.  This girl is aiming high lol

68. Can you curl your tongue?
- If by this you mean taco tongue then yes.  I can also flip my tongue upside down and in.

69. Ever won a spelling bee?
- I'm a really sucky speller, and if you follow me on SnapChat you'd know... so sadly, no.  My brother was the spelling bee kid.  I was speech meet.

70. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- I don't often, but I did when I got accepted into my dream college.

71. Own any record albums?
- No but I really want some and a record player!

72. Own a record player?
- You've probably gathered that my answer to this is no.

73. Do you regularly burn incense?
- No.  I don't really like incense.  If I burn anything, it would be candles or food.

74. Ever been in love?
- What is love?

75. Who would you like to see in concert?
- OH Josh Groban, Stevie Wonder, and Justin Timberlake.

76. What was the last concert you saw?
- I saw Rixton, Jessie J, and Jhené Aiko.

77. Hot tea or cold tea?
- It depends on the weather, but usually I prefer cold tea.

78. Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles?
- Snickerdoodles all the way.  Plain sugar cookies are gross to me.

79. Can you swim well?
- Nope lol

80. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- Yup and I've got singer's lungs so I can hold my breath forever.

81. Are you patient?
- It depends on the situation, but I usually am pretty patient.

82. DJ or band at a wedding?
- DJ because you get more of a variety.

83. Ever won a contest?
- Yes! I won an autographed Buster Posey baseball on Twitter once.

84. Have you ever had plastic surgery?
- Nope and I don't plan on it.

85. Which is better: black or green olives?
- Black olives.  I used to love putting them on my fingertips and pretending I was Micky Mouse. It doesn't make sense but just go with it.

86. Can you knit or crochet?
- Nope.  I tried knitting once but I just don't have the patience.

87. Best room for a fireplace?
- In a big cozy living room or den, with big comfy couches and good cuddle blankets.

88. Do you want to get married?
- Absolutely! I've been planning my wedding since I was a little girl lol

89. Who was your high school crush?
- I'm not going to tell you cause my homies from high school might be reading this!!!!!

90. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your way?
- I have before but I don't usually cause I'm an adult.

91. Do you want kids?
- Yes! Growing up, I've always wanted to be a singer and a mom.

92. What is your favorite color?
- Pink and rose gold <3

93. Do you miss anyone right now?
- I miss my grandpa :/

94. Are you good at apologizing?
- No.  I'm a very prideful person but if it came down to it, I would apologize if I have to.

95. Do you prefer looks or personality?
- Definitely personality.  If you are a gentleman and can make me laugh, you're a keeper.

96. Are you confident?
- I'm probably overly confident.

97. What are you most confident about yourself?
- Everything

98. Name a new songs that remind you of someone and who ti reminds you of?
- "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion reminds me of my Grandpa because he and my Auntie danced to that song at her wedding for the father/daughter dance.  "Exceptional" by JoJo reminds me of my mom because I sang it for her for Mother's Day in the fourth grade.  "American Girl" by Carrie Underwood reminds me of my dad because that was his ringtone for me when I called :-).

99. Define your aesthetic?
- Pink, white, floral, fairy lights, perfume bottles, sparkles.

100. How are you with moving on?
- I do it, because I have to.

101. Is it important to you to be a good person?
- Absolutely.  The one thing that my parents reiterated over and over again growing up was just to be a good person.

102. Are you a good person?
- I'm trying my best...

103. How could you become a better person?
- Just be nicer to everyone in general.

104. What are you most snobby/pretentious about?
- My handbags.  I love my name brand handbags.

105. Do you use Skype? Facetime?
- I've utilized both more now that I'm in college.

106. How do you feel about phone calls?
- I'll do it if I have to, but I don't really like talking to people over the phone.

107. How do you feel about texting?
- I do it a lot so I probably feel pretty good about it.

108. Describe your fashion sense?
- White lace, ripped jeans, denim, floral, boots and sandals.

109. Do you have stage fright?
- For some reason I do have a little, but you think I wouldn't since I'm a singer.

110. What are your top three places you'd like to travel and why?
- 1) London - because my baby Niall lives there. 2) Seoul - because I've always had a love for Korea and Korean food, so why not?? 3) The Maldives - because have you seen photos??????

111. Do you like being alone?
- I do value my alone time, but I also like having good company around.

112. Are you social?
- To an extent, yes.

113. How do you feel about parties?
- I like parties :-)

114. Do you have any strange fears/phobias?
- I'm deathly afraid of boats and it's such an irrational fear but I just am.

115. Are you happy with the person you've become?
- I am!  I could do better but ya know.

Okay I'm done.  That was way too many questions and my fingers are really tired from typing.  As I promised in my last blogpost, I will try my best to keep up with posting and to not suck as much.  It's really hard to come up with good content.

If you made it to the end of this, you're great.  Thanks for reading!

Love, Cat <3

Monday, October 5, 2015

I'm Hungry

Hiiiiiiii... So I've been extra sucky lately and I haven't been posting because I don't have any good ideas for content and no motivation... BUUUUUUT I'm back and ready to do this.

As I'm very very hungry right now, I decided to give you guys some tips on how to keep a good eating schedule whilst you're in college!  This is something that I had to really teach myself because when you're in college, you don't have a set lunch time, and you don't have parents there to tell you when breakfast and dinner are ready.  You gotta feed yourself in a timely fashion or you're going to go to bed hungry and you're going to wake up cranky.  SO HERE ARE MY TIPS!

1. Don't skip breakfast!
It's super easy to skip breakfast, especially when you have an 8 AM, but you definitely should not. The saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" ain't a lie.  It really is important so don't skip it! At least have a banana or a handful of cheerios if your don't have time, but put something in your mouth so you don't drag all day until lunch time.

2. Make time for food.
It can be hard to find time in your schedule to eat when you have classes that are close together and around lunch/dinner time but whatever you do, find time to feed yourself.  On Fridays I have three classes back to back and no time to eat lunch, but I always run the the caf and grab food to bring to class.  Do your best to eat timely meals because like you need a good sleep schedule, you need a good food schedule.

3. Eat healthy!
I already love salads and healthy foods, but if you're not the type who enjoys them, try your best to find foods that aren't completely trash for you.  Lucky for me, the food that's served at my school is generally pretty healthy, but if you don't have those options, you can probably find healthy options out there somewhere.  If you really can't eat healthy, at least try to balance it out with exercise, even though I'm the last person who should be giving health tips HAHAH.

4. Keep hydrated!
If you've ever visited any college campus, you probably noticed that majority of students walk around with water bottles.  It's important that you keep hydrated because it's actually really easy to forget that you need to drink water.  I love water, but I know there are a lot of people out in the world that hate it.  If you hate water, try adding fruits like strawberries, pineapples, watermelon, or lime/lemons, even cucumbers, to give your water a little boost.  Adding fruits and things to your water can also be a good cleanse for your body too!  My mom's been telling me that you need to drink half your body weight in water, but I don't think that's right so don't listen to my mom lol, but drink lots of water!!!

5. Explore different foods!
I'm very adventurous when it comes to food but I know many people aren't.  My school's cafeteria offers a variety of foods from around the world, I know that it can be quite intimidating to try foods that are new to you and your palate, but you never know, you could end up loving it.  Living in San Francisco, there are so many good food options all around me, and lots of new things for me to try, so definitely if you have new options, don't be afraid to try them out!  One thing that my parents taught me was to try new things and if I don't like it, I don't have to have it again, so keep that in mind  when you're trying new things too.

Those are all my tips!  I'm really hungry right now so I'm going to eat now lol.  I promise to try to keep up with blogposts too.  Have an awesome week!

Thanks for reading!

Love, Cat <3