Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Moving Into College: Part 2: My Move-In Experience

It's day 4 of college life for me and although it's only been a few days since it's become official, it's been harder than ever.  I moved in Saturday at 12 pm, with all five boxes and two suitcases; I overpacked.  We hauled all my stuff up to where my room is on the fifth floor, unpacked, and go to all the activities the school has planned.

My parents took my roommate and I out to dinner once we were all settled in.  It was rough for me. When we got back to school, we met the others on our floor, our orientation leader, and just sat and talked for an hour.  It was still hard for me.  To end the night, we were ushered into the gym where we were greeted by circus acts, and other types of entertainment.  I was exhausted the whole entire time.

After what felt like hours of "entertainment," we started the treacherous walk back to our dorm, and called it a night.  And that was my first day of college....

My second day started early, not because it had to, but because I just couldn't sleep anymore.  It was like 7 am and my surroundings were unfamiliar.  My roommate was still sound asleep, so I decided to start my day like any other, on the computer, watching YouTube videos.  Almost two hours passed before I realized I should probably get ready.  After my roommate finally woke, we headed down to meet my parents for brunch.  It was really hard.  I saw a really good friend from high school, sitting at the table next to us and immediately bursted into tears when I hugged her.  It was really nice to see someone familiar.

After brunch was over, my roommate, my parents and I headed over to a resource fair that my college put up.  It was hot and boring so we parted ways with my parents for the last time, and we headed up to another friend's dorm.  The day was full of activities that I'm sure you don't want to read about so I'll skip ahead.

The night ended with a dance, which was really hard for me to watch, because it was a BAY AREA dance and no one is from here, aka everyone just fist pumped, but I digress.  It was lots of fun, for me, and we headed back to our dorm at around 11.  That's when it got difficult for me.  At any moment, I was ready to bust out crying, wanting to go home, but I fought it.  That's what I've been doing.  I've read up on how to beat homesickness while you're in college, but just reading about it makes me want to go home more, but I'll write about it more in the next blogpost.

Day three was a little better.  I got a really good nights sleep, not because I was comfortable, but because I was so drained from the activities from the prior night.  We had to wake up early for a floor meeting so my day started early.  Day three was activities, start to finish; from sexual harassment courses, to major orientation, the day was jam packed.  We were dragged from one activity to the next before we were finally about to head back to our dorm and hit the hay.

Day four (aka today) is okay.  I had class at 9:55 AM.  My first and only class of the day.  It was good.  I'm glad to be getting into a real routine, and that there is a purpose to me being here.

And that is what my experience has been thus far.   Of course I'll update as I get more into the swing of things.  The first few days were really hard for me, but all that will be in the next post (so look out for it soon!).

Thanks for reading!

Love, Cat

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Moving Into College: Part 1: My Fears

As move-in day is quickly approaching, I've found that my fears are becoming more real.  I'm four days away from moving in, and I am 0% ready for it.  I have nothing packed and my room is still a mess (AND ME TOO).  I have days where I am like, "YES I'M SO READY LET'S GO" but most days I want to crawl into a hole and never leave.  Because I feel like that more often than not, I question whether or not I'm ready to take this step into adulthood.

Looking around the room I spent my last 18 years in, little things catch my eye; like the slightly tacky, colorful fish that border my walls.  These fish have been here longer than I have, yet I have this immense attachment to them; they've become a part of me.  The flower painting I remember painting in the first grade is still there, in it's frame that is never straight on the wall, no matter what. The fun caricature I got done in SeaWorld when I was like eight(?) is still the main focal point on the wall to my left.  It always has been, and always will be.

I don't want to let any of these things go.

I'm not prepared for the first morning I wake up in my dorm room and the first thing I see is not my fish or my painting or my caricature.  I don't want that, yet I do not have a choice.

I'm. Not. Ready. To. Let. Go.

My only fear is leaving familiarity.  As I've grown up quite sheltered, I've been babied my entire life. I'm afraid of change.  I'm afraid to move on from the life I know best, but I know it's the best thing for me.  My whole life was leading up to the very moment I open up the door to my dorm and begin this life that the past 18 years have bred me for.  For me, it's more than just moving out of my parents house; it's learning how to do life.

Well, those are my fears.

When I started writing this a day ago, these feelings that I've shared were much stronger than they are today.  I've packed more, and I've let go of certain things (eh hem, like *friends* but that will be the next blog post!).  I'm a little more ready.  (BUT I'M NOT.)

Thanks for reading!

Love, Cat

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lessons I've Learned After Graduating High School

Preschool.  I was three.  I thought my parents were leaving me forever, but they were only leaving me for a few hours, so that I could learn how to assimilate into an environment unlike my own home.

Elementary School.  Six years, including kindergarten, spent training my brain to remember basic skills, learning to make friends, all the while, still deeply depending on my parents.

Middle School.  Three years spent finding myself, going through physical and emotional changes, and prepping to advance into the "real world" aka high school.

High School.  Nine years later and I finally made it.  Here come the rebellious times, the times that did not occur for me.  Four years of passing and failing interchangeably, college tours and applications.  Four years of rejection, of self pity, and most of all, of acceptance, of both myself and to colleges.

Here I am, standing tall after twelve years of torture, about to take on four more years of it.   High school is quite an experience.  All the good, bad, and cringe-worthy memories are coming back as I'm writing this.  As I spent my four years in high school, I felt as though I was not that well prepared to take on the challenge of transitioning from middle school to high school.  From a class of only nineteen, to a class of a hundred, I felt as though I would drown.  I found out later, despite my previous reservations, that it would not be as hard as I thought, I kept my head above water (majority of the time at least), but it was difficult nonetheless.

Right before you start high school, your parents try to help you and tell you stories of their high school experiences, but times have changed Mom and Dad.  Each year I spent in high school, I faced different difficulties as I matured and grew with my class.  These are the lessons I've learned, and that I wish I learned before I went to high school.  (Sorry Mom and Dad, your stories aren't part of this.)

1.  Be Yourself.
I'm starting with the most cliche because I think it is the one that I definitely need to get out of the way.  When you're making your middle to high school transition, it's important to never forget who you are, especially when you're trying to make friends.  When you're in a new place, it can sometimes be easier if you try to fit into the crowd, even though it's not truly who you are, but that's how you make "fake friends".  High school is a cruel place, and if later your "friends" find out the true you, it can go left or right depending on them.

2.  Read every book, even if you aren't interested in it.
Please take this one seriously.  I didn't read any books, assigned or not, during high school.  Well, I read one, but that one doesn't make up for the like forty books I didn't read... But seriously, the best thing you can do for yourself is to actually read all the books.

3.  Boys (or girls!) don't matter.
You don't need a boyfriend, you need a 4.0. GPA.  That's all I have to say

4.  If you do have a significant other, don't forget your friends.
My best friend of 15 years got a boyfriend when we got to high school.  We aren't friends anymore.  Granted there's more to the story, but I've seen so many people lose friends when they get into romantic relationships because they don't divide their time well enough between their significant other and their friends.  They completely forget about school too.

5.  Go to every event; dance, game, play, concert, etc.
Okay, you don't have to go to EVERY event, but try not to miss a football game or dance.  You don't need to have a date to the dances, go with friends, have fun, dance the night away.

6.  Keep a phone charger and headphones in your bag.
Don't be that person who goes around asking everyone if they have a phone charger or headphones.  Those are the most annoying people.  Don't be please.

7.  Carry tampons and pads with you too.
Life happens, it saves you some embarrassment.

8.  Join lots of clubs, get involved.
Freshman year I did women's choir, and I HATED IT, but it was something. Sophomore and junior, I didn't do anything.  Senior year, I was on Service Team, National Art Honor Society, and a few other things, and I don't remember a happier time in high school.  One of my biggest regrets is not getting involved enough in high school.

9.  Take your work seriously.
Nothing hurts worse than seeing the average acceptance GPA of the colleges you are looking to apply to.  Take all your classes and assignments seriously please.  It's very important that you don't BS your work because you may think you won't every use the things you learn again, but little do you know...

10.  Your friends from high school won't matter after you graduate.
This is the last one, but to me, it's the most important one.  My friends from high school were not true friends.  They took advantage of one another, they were selfish, and even more that I don't want to write or I'll get angry, but I digress.  All that drama that your friends created, all the crap they put you through, doesn't matter once you get to college.  One of the things I struggled with when thinking about college was that I didn't want to leave my friends.  That's not something you should worry about.  It turned out my friends are all staying close, even though it doesn't matter to me, but don't let that be the deciding factor when choosing college; same goes with significant others.

High school is definitely one of the best times in your life, and it goes by so fast, so DRINK IT IN.  I do miss high school, but I'm excited to start a new adventure.  Remember to not take things to seriously, unless it's schoolwork, and you'll be happy in high school and life.

Thanks for reading!

Love, Cat

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Get To Know Me (Kind Of)!

I filmed my first ever talking video!  Since I started kind of vlogging, I thought it would be nice to finally sit down and talk to a camera lol.  Enjoy!

Love, Cat

Sunday, August 2, 2015

My PopTarts #CrazyGoodSummer Experience!

I've been sitting on writing this blog post because writing it means I would have to admit to myself that it's over, and I just haven't been ready.  It's been over a week however, and it's time to let go...

Just like the other three concerts I've been to in the span of June and July, I waited a week (or in this case, more than a week) to write a blog post, because PCD (post concert depression) is much too strong, but now is the time.  Now moving onto what this blog post is really about.

PopTarts #CrazyGoodSummer is the last installment of the ever-so-exciting #CatsSummerofConcerts series, and boy, was it an incredible to end it.  First and foremost, I got these tickets for free.  Yes, you read that correctly, FREE.  Completely, 100% free.  No money was spent on this show whatsoever.  All you needed was a code and a TicketMaster account and you were set.  The downside to this show was that it was first come, first serve, meaning that even though you have a ticket, entry was not guaranteed.  Bummer right?  It stressed my friend and I out for the entire two weeks we waited for this show to happen.  Rixton, Jhené Aiko, and Jessie J were the line up and we couldn't be more excited.  (You all know how much I love Rixton)

The show was Friday, July 24, 2015 and my friend Mariana and I had planned to get the the venue, The Masonic Center in San Francisco, around 11 am and wait (and wait and wait and wait), but the day before the show, I saw that Rixton, Jhené, and Jessie J were tweeting out an address for a "hang out" at 10 am at a Lucky's Supermarket on the day of the show.  Needless to say, it kinda ruined our plans.  No big deal though, because we did really want to meet them.  I begged my parents to wake up early and take me.  It stressed me out so much because our plans changed.  Would it mean we might not get into the show tonight?  Would we know right away?  Would we still have to wait all day to know?  It felt like a million questions similar to those were pressing me into the ground, but we still went.

It was about 9:50 am when I got to Lucky's.  There was a line of about 100 people in front of me, none of which was my friend.  I called her and called her but there was no answer.  Finally she picked up and we determined that she wouldn't make it on time to Lucky's so my mom jumped in line to get all the cool stuff for her.  When the line started moving, and we got closer to the front, we were guided to a PopTarts decorated van, where we were handed PopTarts (the first of the day).  Once we got our PopTarts, we were led into the Lucky's, handed posters, and were told to leave all belongings on a table.  I peeked inside and saw the six of them sitting behind a long table, cuing in my mind that it wasn't a meet and greet but just a signing.  I wanted to vlog the experience but everything was moving so fast that I didn't get a chance to even turn my camera on.  Let me just say that Rixton, Jhené, and Jessie J looked extremely overwhelmed.  Everything just moved so fast that I honestly don't remember much of it.  There wasn't even enough time for my brain to process what was happening.  I met Danny's girlfriend Jenny though!  She was really cute.

Since my friend didn't make it to the so-called "hang out," she opted to go to the venue first and wait in line.  She called me when she got there and told me there were only about 20 people in front of her and I honestly didn't believe her, it was about 11 am by then.  How could only 20 people be there? I left the "hang out" and headed for the venue.  When I got there, there really was only 20 people in line in front of her.  The line had grown since we spoke, but not significantly.  She told me when I got there that I just missed Rixton and that they came out of their cars to say hello and take pictures.  OF COURSE.  It was fine though.  I had just met them (kind of) and hour ago and got their autographs.  I sat with her in line, on the steepness of California Street.  It was horribly unnatural to be sitting the way we were, but we endured.  About 30 minutes after getting there, they let us wait inside, where they had activities for us to do, but make sure you save your spot in line because when you leave the line your spot isn't guaranteed! Which is what they reiterated over and over and over again.

Once we were inside, none of the activities were actually opened.  They were giving away tee shirts, which you could have cut and designed, "hair and makeup" which was really just getting color hairspray sprayed into you hair and airbrush tattoos, and karaoke.  Oh, and of course, they had endless supplies of PopTarts.

We took pictures with a PopTart too lol

I wanted to do karaoke really really badly, but it wasn't time yet, so Mar and I sat in line.  For hours no one new came into the waiting area.  I started to get kind of suspicious, because that's the kind of person I am, but I knew that a show was going to happen.  It was 1 pm by now and we were hungry, and when you can't leave somewhere, GrubHub is your best friend, as it was ours that day.  We ordered food from this little diner and continued playing the waiting game for the next hour.  We finally got our food and halfway through grubbing, they called for karaoke.  The MC asked who would like to do it and OF COURSE I jumped at the opportunity.  I was the first one to sing, I sang Hotel Ceiling, check it out here!  People were coming out from backstage and every corner possible when I was singing.  It was cool.  People took pictures too.  I got a standing ovation (yay me lol) and it was great.

About 5 minutes after I sang, a lady with a box and a lanyard around her neck that read "PopTarts All Access" came up to me.  She told me her name was also Caitlyn, cool, and that she really enjoyed my singing.  She asked me if I wanted Meet and Greet passes and I almost passed out.  I told her of course and she gave one to my friend and I.  They also gave me a selfie stick which was awesome because I really wanted one, but I'm not trying to drop $20, ya feel?  I was internally crying and called my mom to tell her.  She wasn't that happy for me, but whatever.

From then on, that MC was obsessed with me.  He asked me like 10 times after I sang if I would sing again, to each time I respectfully declined, because I wanted to give others the opportunity.  Another three hours passed and it was time to go to another line for meet and greet.  It was supposed to start at 6, but Rixton soundchecked late so the meet and greet started late.  It was fine though.  We received wristbands what guaranteed us a spot in the General Admission Pit, where my friend and so I desperately wanted to be.  When the meet and greeted started, we were rushed.  What's new??? We had to share our picture with another two girls, no big deal, and after we took it, we were ushered away.

Here's our Meet and Greet photo! (LEWI'S ARM IS AROUND ME)

We made our way down to the pit and let me just say, I am so thankful for that ugly fluoro orange wristband.  We were second/third row away from the barricades on the left side of the stage and I was completely satisfied.  The show started late because everything started late.  Rixton was up first and they never fail to put on an incredible show.  I was just disappointed that they didn't play "Hotel Ceiling" (or any of my other favorite songs but whatevs).  The girl in front of me got the setlist and I took a picture with it lol

Jhené was incredible.  She's so cute I just wanna hug her.  Her set was really good.  There was a drunk girl behind me that kept trying to dance on me during Jhené but it was nothing the trustee ol' elbows couldn't take care of ;-).  Next up was Jessie J.  That woman is pure talent.  Talk about voice goals.  Her set was incredible.  I was literally in awe the entire time over how incredible she is.  PopTarts made the three artists do a song together, called "Sorry to Interrupt" and it's actually really good.  They played it live and it WAS LIVE.  Jessie J closed out her set and it was time to go home.  I was really sad because this was seriously the best concert experience I've had this summer.  Not the best show, of course, but definitely the best overall experience.

This concert definitely gets a 10/10.  Major kudos to PopTarts for putting this entire thing together and giving us this incredible experience for free.  They gave us so many freebies, and an unforgettable experience.  Which brings me back to what I wrote first in this post.  I am still not ready to let go.  I loved this show so much I just cannot let go yet.  It was definitely the best way to end my summer.  <3

Watch My PopTarts #CrazyGoodSummer Vlog!

Watch Me Perform "Hotel Ceiling" at PopTarts #CrazyGoodSummer Here!

Thanks so much for reading!

Oh, also, there was no setlist rundown/reaction because all I can't remember the sets I'm sorry.  That's my favorite part too :-/

Love, Cat

#CrazyGoodSummer :-)