Monday, March 21, 2016


Hello Friends!  Long time no blog... I took a month-ish off blogging, but I'm back and excited to blog again!

I took a month away from blogging because I was low on inspiration, and still kind of am.  I also wanted to focus more on school because I was starting to feel like I was spending more time on the blog than I was hitting the books.  School is very important so ya know.  Like I said, I was empty when it came to blog topics and I honestly just didn't have the inspiration to write.  I'm still kind of in that place, but I do have a few new ideas that I want to share on this blog!

Before I took this break, I told you friends about how I was starting my second semester of college and how I wanted to do things differently than my first semester.  I've definitely opened up more and opened my textbooks more.  Second semester is going well so far.  My grades are definitely better and I feel like I'm retaining information better.  I guess it just took me a while to get into the groove of things.  I think the only thing that has gone wrong this semester is that I couldn't keep a little plant alive...  But with only 8 weeks left of the semester, I'm excited for things to keep moving!  I just got back from spring break (WHOOO!!!) and it was completely uneventful.  I got my bottom two wisdom teeth removed and it was the most irritating thing to recover from, but it's all good now lol.

Like I said, I have a few new things I want to share with you friends and I'm looking forward to posting again!  I hope you haven't forgotten about me!!!

Thanks so much for reading (still lol)!!
Love, Cat <3